Small Groups

Small Groups

Small Groups are back! These groups are an amazing way to get to know others on a deeper level, and dive deeper into Gods word. Having a group of like minded Christ followers to live life with is crucial to thriving in your faith. Find the group that suites you by...
Sportsman Night

Sportsman Night

Come join us at the Dolores Community Center on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 3pm-5pm for a wonderful catered meal while you hear about hunting demos and gear from two guest speakers. This will be a fun and informative time, and prizes will be awarded during the...
Men’s Skeet Shoot

Men’s Skeet Shoot

Saturday June 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM 26511 Road L, Cortez, CO 81321 Sign up at the Welcome desk or go online to register here. Burgers & Dogs will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Skeet Shoot Rules For all shooters All weapons will remain in...
Memorial Fellowship

Memorial Fellowship

Join us on Sunday, May 26th, just after the morning worship service.  We will gather at the Lewis Arriola Community Center for a time of fellowship, food and fun.  Bring a picnic lunch and the drinks will be provided by Lighthouse Baptist Church.  After lunch, stay...