Financial Peace University Sign-up

Financial Peace University Sign-up

Financial Peace University Sign-Up Learn step by step how to budget, beat debt, save money, and build wealth so you can live and give with financial peace. “Stewardship is managing God’s blessing God’s way for God’s glory.” – Ramsey...
Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Our monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be held on October 19th this month. All men are welcome to come out to fellowship around a meal and pray. This breakfast will be held at Lighthouse Baptist Church. We hope to see you there!
Dedication Sunday

Dedication Sunday

Dedication Sunday has been postponed! Due to the weather Dedication Sunday will be on October 27th We here at Lighthouse Baptist Church are excited for our Dedication Sunday. This will be a time for our anyone to come and see the progress on our new building. Pastor...
Thanksgiving Praise Service

Thanksgiving Praise Service

On November 24th, we will be holding a Thanksgiving Praise Service. This will be a special service to sing praise to the Lord and hear how God has changed lives through testimonies.. After the service we will have pie and fellowship!
Veteran’s Sunday

Veteran’s Sunday

This special Sunday is to honor our veterans that attend Lighthouse Baptist Church, as well as honor all who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice. This will be an amazing time to encourage veterans and thank  them for their service. This special Sunday will be...
Easter Service

Easter Service

After attending the Sunrise Service at 6:45am at the MCHS field, we hope you will bring your friends and loved ones and join us as we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection at Lighthouse Baptist Church! You’ll experience a welcoming atmosphere and a powerful message of...