Need a Ride?

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to church? Our Bus Route Ministry exists to provide transportation to Lighthouse Baptist Church on Sunday’s to children in our community. If an adult needs a ride we need them to call in advance. Please call 970.565.9302. The bus runs between...
Sportsman Night

Sportsman Night

Come join us at the Dolores Community Center on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 3pm-5pm for a wonderful catered meal while you hear about hunting demos and gear from two guest speakers. This will be a fun and informative time, and prizes will be awarded during the...
The 1916 Project Screening

The 1916 Project Screening

On January 19 @9:00AM, Lighthouse Baptist Church will be holding a screening of The 1916 Project Documentary. The 1916 Project is a powerful documentary that uncovers the disturbing legacy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and her deep ties to the...
Memorial Fellowship

Memorial Fellowship

Join us on Sunday, May 26th, just after the morning worship service.  We will gather at the Lewis Arriola Community Center for a time of fellowship, food and fun.  Bring a picnic lunch and the drinks will be provided by Lighthouse Baptist Church.  After lunch, stay...
Parade of Lights Serving Opportunity

Parade of Lights Serving Opportunity

This year rather than a float or walking the Parade of Lights we will be having free hot cocoa booths! We will be handing out free hot cocoa, coffee, and tracts. Click the link below to sign up to bring items. Items can be purchased locally or ordered in bulk to be...
The Hunt

The Hunt

The Hunt Saturday, March 30, 2024 10:00 AM Montezuma Cortez Middle School Football Field Register here for faster entrance and to enter the drawing for a special prize. There will be refreshments, bounce houses, face painting, photo ops and an epic Easter Egg Hunt!...