Teen Takeover Service

Teen Takeover Service

At 5:00PM Lighthouse Baptist Church will be having a normal night service, but all aspects of the service will be ran by the teens in the youth group. The preaching, singing, ushering, greeting, etc. Join us February 2nd to encourage the teens!
Past Sermons

Past Sermons

Click here to listen to past sermons preached at Lighthouse Baptist Church.
Girls Night

Girls Night

On January 19th at 5:00PM, Lighthouse Baptist Church will be hosting a Girl’s Night. All ladies are invited to participate in the ice cream bar, trivia, and a devotional.
Men’s Leadership Night

Men’s Leadership Night

On January 19th @5:00PM, Lighthouse Baptist Church will host Men’s Leadership Night. Pastor Bruce will share his vision for Men’s ministry in the new year during this special night, as well as encouraging men to stand and contend for the faith
Celebration Sunday

Celebration Sunday

On January 5th, during Celebration Sunday we will look back at the past year and celebrate the great year through testimony, a slideshow, and more.
Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday

On January 12th, Pastor Bruce will be sharing the vision for our church family and ministries. As well as unveiling the theme for next year.